Skid steers play important roles on nearly any job site, from mining and construction to recycling and landscaping, and everything in between. Without proper skid steer tires, however, your skid steer may end up out of commission, delaying progress on your projects and requiring expensive maintenance and repairs. When equipping your skid steer with new tires, consider solid cushion skid steer tires to increase the performance of your skid steer loader and guarantee longer tire life through the heaviest-duty applications.
When purchasing skid steer tires, many people choose pneumatic skid steer tires because they are generally thought to provide a smoother and more comfortable ride. However, thanks to advances in technology and materials, solid cushion skid steer tires are now available that provide skid steer operators with the same comfort as pneumatic skid steer tires. This is achieved through the use of aperture holes in the tires, and different hole designs provide different benefits, depending on your work site needs and desires.
Choosing the right aperture holes in solid cushion skid steer tires means your loader will feel as smooth and comfortable as a loader equipped with pneumatic skid steer tires. However, the benefits of solid cushion skid steer tires don't stop there.
No More Flat Tires
One of a skid steer tires biggest enemy is anything sharp enough to puncture the tire. Whether it's a screw or nail, piece of scrap metal, or a jagged rock, any object that pierces the skid steer loaders tire quickly halts any work and requires immediate attention.
Choosing a solid cushion skid steer tire prevents any damage from puncturing materials. While solid cushion skid steer tires are generally more expensive upfront, they eliminate the worry and hassle of having to halt progress on the job site to deal with a flat tire, meaning you'll be able to get your work done quickly and efficiently.

Increased Lifting Capacity
Because they are crafted from durable, solid materials and not filled with air, solid cushion skid steer tires provide your loader with increased lifting capacity. The additional rubber weight in a solid skid steer tire adds weight to the machine overall, this lowers the center of gravity of the skid steer as well as adds weight to the back of the machine. This combines to give a skid steer between 100-200 pounds of extra lifting capacity when equipped with solid cushion skid steer tires.
Better Traction
No matter where you operate your skid steer loader, Evolution Wheel has skid steer tires to provide you with the best traction possible. With different tread patterns available designed specifically for all-terrain and hard surface applications, you'll notice increased traction and performance while operating your loader.
Equipping your skid steer with the best traction available is essential to both job efficiency and safety. Improper traction can create problems when moving materials across surfaces, making your job take much longer than it should. It also opens the door to costly accidents that can slow down or halt job progress altogether and result in costly equipment repairs and operator injuries.
Solid cushion skid steer tires provide exceptional traction on any surface with the right tread pattern. Whether you're working in demolition, construction, mining, landscaping, recycling, waste management, or any other industry that requires the use of a skid steer loader, solid cushion skid steer tires provide your loader with the best traction options available.
Longer Wear Life
Solid cushion skid steer tires boast a longer wear life than their pneumatic skid steer tire cousins. Built from high-grade rubber compounds, solid cushion skid steer tires boast 3-5 times more work life than standard pneumatic skid steer tires. Pneumatic skid steer tires wear down more quickly and require more frequent changes, meaning you'll have to purchase new tires, stop working with your loader, and spend time swapping out the tires before you can continue working.
While solid cushion skid steer tires are generally more expensive to purchase upfront, you'll notice a significantly improved ROI as you won't have to change your skid steer tires as often. Work will continue with solid cushion skid steer tires long after pneumatic skid steer tires have thrown in the towel.
To learn more about solid cushion skid steer tires visit the Solid Cushion Skid Steer Tires page from Evolution Wheel.